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Nationaal Jenever Museum Expositie : JONI ACHTER DE BORREL

For this project I dived into the history of Schiedam and the making proces of the Jenever. So this exhibition is a special one because I created 4 paintings about the craftsmen and the crafts behind the drink. Behind every little step in the process, there is/was a human being behind it. Sometimes a micro step, but without it, there is no Jenever.

In a world where everything goes so fast, and almost everything is made by machines I tent to forget about those days. And I don’t want to, because I’ve always had a preference and love for handmade tools and handmade products. It gives a soul to it.

These paintings are an ode to the hard workers and craftsmen from these days, and may we never forget the hard labour they put in the drink we still enjoy to this day. 

During this exhibition I will also work on 2 new paintings about this subject in the museum which can be viewed live during opening hours on juli 27 & 28 and August 24 & 25.


Besides these exciting elements a retrospective exhibition from my work between 2019 and now is also on show during this time period. A smart selection give a clean view of my process, experiments and emotions throughout the years.


For more information about the paintings click HERE 

 © 2024 studio kling

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